Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Assurance Policies
AfrikDelta Marine Limited (ADML) believes Safe and Reliable operations are key to business success and through our relationship with technical services provider Smit Lamnalco, we have collaboration with a provider with a proven World-Wide track record of safe, efficient, reliable and cost effective services.
All ADML operations are governed by stringent safety and quality monitoring procedures provided through a comprehensive Integrated Management System which encompasses ISM’s Safety Management System requirements and regulations, and is subject to regular external verification. ADML holds an ISM Document of Compliance, accredited by Bureau Veritas.
Health & Environment
In creating a safety-focused company culture, ADML has adopted policies and processes to ensure safe working practices. These procedures are to prevent near misses, injury, death and occupational accidents that could cause damage to property, operational facilities and pollution of the environment.
At ADML our employee’s safety and health is paramount, that is why we organize periodic trainings and seminars. One of such is the quarterly SHEQ interactive seminars organized for vessel officers to further inculcate the safety culture in the employee’s everyday life and breed an interactive management and employee workforce. A slogan is coined from these SHE-Q seminars; “Preach HSE, Everyone is Involved”. Safety is a collective activity within ADML to create a healthy, safe and environmental friendly work place within the organization.
By always utilising the company’s Integrated Management System policies and procedures, we are able to ensure that our operating standards and ISM compliance meets all internationally accepted best practices.
We are regularly audited by our external ISM auditors, as well as technical services provider Smit Lamnalco (who is an IMCA and OCIMF registered marine and diving contractor) providing us with regular audits through their in-house systems.
ADML has a goal of Zero tolerance to safety standard compromise. Achievement of this builds our reliability and reputation within the industry, thereby making ADML a reliable cost-effective business partner toward meeting company set goals for all stakeholders.
Quality Assurance Policies
ADML is committed to providing quality services to its clients. We have set key performance indicators as benchmarks to drive and attain continued high operational performance across our business and operations.
The company’s specific plans and procedures are incorporated into our Integrated Management System. This system will shortly be externally audited. Our technical services provider Smit Lamnalco is accredited to the International Standard ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems).